Southern Line Train Route – Cape Town

During our last trip to Cape Town last year november we decided to catch the train from Cape Town station down to Simonstown. It goes on the Southern Line route. The city of Cape Town have made available a hop-on hop-off train ticket which you can use between 10am in the morning and 4pm in the afternoon. Its a must do. Not many place in South Africa is it safe to hop on a Metro-Rail train. Cape Town its safe, reliable, punctual and an full on adventure. I recommend it.

metrorail3Parked in the station ready to move on

metrorail1Me amongst all the graffiti

metrorail2The stunning view as we drive along the shore

Travel Advice & Itinery Planning

As a new service I will be offering assistance with anything you may need to know to make your holiday run smoother and will also be able to assist you with itinery planning to fully maximize the time that oi have for your holiday or business trip. If I dont know something give me a short while and I’ll find out for you.

You can contact me on +27 (074) 133 0641 or on Facebook at and also on twitter at and also email